Bullying's Effect On Students' Academic Achievements


  • Dr. Kanchan Yadav
  • Ms. Anam Shafat
  • Dr. Yash Deep Singh


bullying, schooling, parenting, performance, self-esteem.


This paper gives a brief overview of bullying's impact on academic achievement. Bullying is the form of aggressive behavior which mostly occurs among school-aged students and involves a real or perceived power of imbalance. Since bullying has been quite prevalent among teenagers across the world and it has been observed that its after-effects lead to low self-confidence and extremely poor self-esteem. To draw an inference from this we used the spearman correlation method to determine the results and the outcome of this study depicted a negative correlation between the two variables. Owing to this fact this study states that healthy parenting and schooling need to be taken care of more sincerely as the results of this study highlight the outcome that there is a negative correlation between bullying and academic performance.




How to Cite

Dr. Kanchan Yadav, Ms. Anam Shafat, & Dr. Yash Deep Singh. (2021). Bullying’s Effect On Students’ Academic Achievements. Elementary Education Online, 20(1), 6769–6778. Retrieved from https://ilkogretim-online.org/index.php/pub/article/view/1030


