The Influence of Inclusive Educational Practices on the Academic Behavior of Students at Secondary Level


  • Alam Zeb
  • Niaz Ali
  • Atta Ullah
  • Waqar Un Nisa Faizi
  • Musharaf Khan
  • Abdur Rahman


Influence, inclusive, educational courses, Secondary level


Students come from different backgrounds with diversified needs to get an education in educational institutions that significantly influence their academic behavior and overall academic achievement. This diversity is much more evident in secondary schools where students get education for getting entry into the institutions of higher education. Therefore, the study aimed to investigate the influence of inclusive educational practices on students' academic behavior at the secondary level. The study's objectives were to examine the provision of inclusive educational courses at the secondary level, find out students' academic behavior, and measure inclusive educational practices' influence on students' academic behavior. The study population was 1264 secondary school teachers in District Swat, and the sample was 200 participants selected with simple random sampling. The data were collected with a self-developed, validated, and reliable questionnaire and analyzed with mean, standard deviation, chi-square, and Linear regression. The study found inclusive educational practices in secondary schools where teachers develop students' aims in life; focus on their overall personality development, respect for the diversity of students, give equal opportunities for curricular and co-curricular activities, help in developing a positive image of self and society, give positive feedback on students' work and provide praise and rewards on the good performance of students. Found the positive academic behavior off as students have interest in academic activities, take responsibility for their learning, have maximum participation in classroom activities, work hard for academic success, complete assignments well in time, accept the challenge of academic competition and have an eagerness for scoring high in exams. The study found the significant influence of inclusive educational practices on students' academic behavior at the secondary level.




How to Cite

Alam Zeb, Niaz Ali, Atta Ullah, Waqar Un Nisa Faizi, Musharaf Khan, & Abdur Rahman. (2023). The Influence of Inclusive Educational Practices on the Academic Behavior of Students at Secondary Level. Elementary Education Online, 18(1), 451–456. Retrieved from


