The Psychology Of Sports Intolerance And Its Relation To The Law Level Of Motivation For Football Fans


  • Zainab Hassan Fleih Al-jubouri
  • Zainab Hassan Fleih Al-jubouri
  • Saad Abbas Abed Al- janabi
  • Mahdi Ali Dweghir
  • Omar Saad Ahmed
  • FirasAbdulmunem


In this paper, the researchers used the descriptive approach in the survey method, correlational relations and the destruction of the original research community of football fans from Al-Mustansiriya University students for the academic season (2017-2018 AD), while the research sample amounted to (150) fans. Using the Mathematical Intolerance Scale and the Achievement Motivation Scale (IssamHaider Abdel Reda, and the researchers concluded
1. The research sample possesses a high degree of sports fanaticism.
2. The research sample possesses a low degree of motivation
3. There is an inverse relationship between sports fanaticism and motivation for the research sample




How to Cite

Zainab Hassan Fleih Al-jubouri, Zainab Hassan Fleih Al-jubouri, Saad Abbas Abed Al- janabi, Mahdi Ali Dweghir, Omar Saad Ahmed, & FirasAbdulmunem. (2023). The Psychology Of Sports Intolerance And Its Relation To The Law Level Of Motivation For Football Fans. Elementary Education Online, 18(1), 510–522. Retrieved from


