The Mediation Of Work Engagement Between Job Satisfaction And Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A Study Of Healthcare Sector
Occupational Citizenship Behavior, Healthcare Employees' Satisfaction with Their Jobs, and Patient Care QualityAbstract
The effectiveness and efficiency of hospital marketing will be significantly impacted by shifts in the organizational citizenship behavior of healthcare professionals. An employee's job satisfaction and dedication to their work may change depending on how much leeway they are given in areas outside of their job description (WE). In order to determine if and how organisational citizenship behaviour is associated with job satisfaction (JS), this study focuses on healthcare professionals in Malaysian hospitals (OCB). The study also investigates the correlations between latent variables that are created internally and those that are introduced outside. There were a total of 239 useable, completely filled questionnaires returned from healthcare professionals who were surveyed. Hypotheses have been evaluated using PLS-SEM. Workplace engagement and good corporate citizenship are both improved when healthcare personnel are happy with their jobs, according to studies. Employee engagement is a robust indicator of good corporate citizenship behavior, and this is widely acknowledged. The connection between job fulfilment and ethical business practises has been mediated, in part, by
the level of employee participation. To meet the needs of their patients and maintain high standards of care, hospitals need doctors and nurses that demonstrate exemplary organisational citizenship behaviour. As a result, there has to be major changes made to increase the impact of healthcare workers' job happiness and engagement.