Ethical Leadership And Its Outcomes In Organisations
Leadership, ethics, leader, ethical leadership, followers.Abstract
Recent ethical scandals have serious implications for how leadership influences ethical behaviour. Most workers seek to their close friends and loved ones for moral direction. As a result, in the workplace, leaders ought to serve as the main source of such direction.
According to research, leaders that act ethically and inspire their teams to do the same are in high demand in today's firms. Despite this pressing need, ethical misconduct in the workplace is so pervasive, which emphasises the need to improve our knowledge of how
ethical leadership works. But little is understood about the moral dimension of leadership. This study gives a descriptive analysis of ethical leadership to better understand it and its connections to other factors in its nomological network. Our goal is to establish the conceptual framework required to enhance understanding regarding ethical leadership. We review pertinent literature, offer a structured, essential explanation of leadership behaviour, and list the results of leadership style, which paves the way for a number of fascinating future study avenues.