Views of Preschool Teacher Candidates on Field Examination


  • Medera Halmatov
  • Emine Kızıltaş


Field examination, preschool teacher candidate, teacher training


Qualified teacher training and teacher employment is an important issue that does not lose its update. Because the quality of teachers is important in the development and progress of an country. Teachers play an important role in the education of future generations. Therefore, teachers should be trained to provide qualified education with the necessary qualifications. The objective of the present
research is to investigate the views of fourth grade university students studying Early Childhood Education Teacher in Agri Ibrahim Cecen University on the field examination. The research uses phenomenology design which is an oft-used design in qualitative research. The study group of the research consists of 80 students studying Early Childhood Education Teacher in Agri Ibrahim Cecen
University. The study data were obtained through six open-end questions prepared by the researchers in order to explore views of the students on the field examination. The questions were analyzed through descriptive analysis and content analysis. The research showed that the early childhood teacher candidates acknowledged the necessity of a field examination but expressed not having enough knowledge to succeed in the examination. It was found that a great majority of the students were concerned about the examination which was to be implemented for the first time. Furthermore, the students did not approve pure theoretical nature of the examination. 




How to Cite

Medera Halmatov, & Emine Kızıltaş. (2023). Views of Preschool Teacher Candidates on Field Examination. Elementary Education Online, 18(2), 878–892. Retrieved from


