Voltage Stability Analysis In Distribution System Predetermination
Electrical power systems are experiencing severe stability issues as a result of the ongoing demand for power usage. Incorporating distributed systems with DG, Solar, Wind, and Microgrids close to consumer sites has been one of the workable solutions to
reduce losses through peak shaving, overloading, and increased reliability. to investigate the impact of generator integration on the radial bus system's voltage profile and to make sure that one of the distributed generating systems mentioned above is installed in the
best possible location for the best possible outcomes. Three alternative algorithms—the Shuffled Frog Leap Algorithm (SFLA), the Artificial Bee Colony (ABC), and the Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization—are the focus of this project (APSO). Based on the input line and bus data, these algorithms are used to analyse the week bus, the ideal quantity of active power that has to be injected, and the voltage profile of the entire bus before and after injection of active power in the radial bus system.