Analysis of Secondary-School Turkish Course Curriculum Objectives According to Revised Bloom Taxonomy


  • Sevil Büyükalan Filiz
  • Nilay Yıldırım


Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy, Turkish course curriculum, objectives, curriculum development, curriculum evaluation


The aim of this research is to determine how the objectives in the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade level’s Turkish Course Curriculum published by the Ministry of National Education's Board of Education in 2018 were scattered in the Revised Bloom Taxonomy. The research designed in descriptive model has the characteristics of a qualitative research method. According to the document analysis approach, 289 objectives were examined on the basis of Revised Bloom Taxonomy table. While 269 of these objectives were related to cognitive domain, 20 of them were found related to psycho-motor domain. Objectives related to psycho-motor domain were excluded from the analysis. The reliability study of the research was calculated with the reliability formula of Miles and Huberman (Reliability=Agreement/ Agreement+Disagreementx100) and it was concluded that the reliability of the analysis was high since the reliability coefficient was 85%.According to the findings obtained from the research, the objectives are mostly scattered in the Factual and Procedural stages of the Knowledge Dimension and the Understanding and Applying stages of the Cognitive Process Dimension. In addition, it was determined that there were almost no objectives at the metacognitive level. This type of research is important for curriculum development and evaluation studies. The fact that there are almost none of the researches on the revised Bloom Taxonomy in terms of the objectives in the Turkish Course Curriculum and the need for studies to determine the taxonomic status of the
objectives makes this research important. Considering the results of the study by the MONE Program Development Department and taking into consideration the taxonomic dimensions, curriculum development studies can be continued and the findings of the research can be utilized in curriculum evaluation studies. In this regard, other researchers can examine and analyze the objectives of 1st -4th grade levels’ Turkish Course curriculum.





How to Cite

Sevil Büyükalan Filiz, & Nilay Yıldırım. (2023). Analysis of Secondary-School Turkish Course Curriculum Objectives According to Revised Bloom Taxonomy. Elementary Education Online, 18(4), 1550–1573. Retrieved from


