The Effectiveness Of Compassion Therapy On SelfEfficacy And Pain Control In Patients With M


  • Sahra Naseri
  • Alireza Ghanipour
  • Elika GhaviPanjeh
  • Mozhgan Jamshidi Eyni
  • Amir Mohammad Amiri


Compassion Therapy, Self-Efficacy, Pain Control, MS


Background and Aim: MS is an inflammatory disease of the central nervous system characterized by demyelination of the myelin sheath of axons and leads to defects or limitations in the transmission of nerve impulses. The aim of the present study was to
evaluate the effectiveness of compassion therapy on self-efficacy and pain control in patients with MS. Methods: The present study is applied in terms of purpose and semi-experimental in terms of method with pre-test and post-test design with control group. The statistical population of this study included all people with multiple sclerosis (MS) who referred to medical centers in Tehran in 1400. 30 people were selected from the study population by available sampling method and randomly assigned to experimental and control groups (15 people). they got. The experimental group was trained in 12 sessions of 90 minutes with compassion therapy.Subjects completed the Sherer et al. Self-efficacy questionnaire and the pain management questionnaire (Rosenstein & Kyiv, 1983) before and after treatment. In order to analyze the data of this study, SPSS software version 21 and descriptive statistics and inferential statistics and analysis of covariance were used. Results: The results of analysis of covariance confirm the effect of compassion therapy on increasing self-efficacy and pain control in patients with multiple sclerosis (p <0.001).Conclusion: The results of this study showed that compassion therapy is an effective method to increase self-efficacy and pain control in patients with multiple sclerosis; Therefore,counselors and therapists can use compassion therapy to increase self-efficacy and control pain in MS patients




How to Cite

Sahra Naseri, Alireza Ghanipour, Elika GhaviPanjeh, Mozhgan Jamshidi Eyni, & Amir Mohammad Amiri. (2023). The Effectiveness Of Compassion Therapy On SelfEfficacy And Pain Control In Patients With M. Elementary Education Online, 21(2), 164–173. Retrieved from


