A Criticle Analysis Of D.S. Margoliouth Ideas Regarding Umul Momineen Maria Qabtiya


  • Dr. Aliya Shah
  • Dr. Najmul Hasan
  • Aziz Ahmad
  • Dr. Aliya Shah
  • Dr. Najmul Hasan
  • Aziz Ahmad
  • Haroon Ur Rashid
  • Maqsood ur Rehman
  • Shah Room Bacha


Maria Qabtiya, allegation. D.S. Margoliouth


This research article is based upon critical analysis of D.S. Margoliouth assumptions concerning “umul momineen Maria Qabtiya” .Generally orientalist’s have tried to blemish the intellection and phantasm of Islam . They have often part forth the magnificient and superb teachings of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w as well as the grandeur of Islam to a criticism malafide. One among the list of the narrow-minded and biased orientalist is D.S. Margoliouth; who has some vague and baseless accusations regarding “umul momineen
Maria Qabtiya”. Therefore this article is anxious to clarify the allegation of D.S. Margoliouth and conclude that his allegation are in affectious, ineffectual and worthless and futile about “ umul momineen Maria Qabtiya




How to Cite

Dr. Aliya Shah, Dr. Najmul Hasan, Aziz Ahmad, Dr. Aliya Shah, Dr. Najmul Hasan, Aziz Ahmad, … Shah Room Bacha. (2021). A Criticle Analysis Of D.S. Margoliouth Ideas Regarding Umul Momineen Maria Qabtiya. Elementary Education Online, 20(1), 6258–6263. Retrieved from https://ilkogretim-online.org/index.php/pub/article/view/1500




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