Socio-Economic Impact Of Tourism Development At Visakhapatnam


  • Manda Hemalatha
  • P Sujatha


Tourist, Visakhapatnam, tourist behaviour, attributed for tourist development.


Purpose – The study examines the impact of socio-economic factors on tourism development at Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.
Research Design/Methodology – the data required for the analysis were collected from 205 respondents using simple random sampling. For this purpose, a structured questionnaire was designed to highlight tourism development attributes using a fivepoint Likert Scale. The data were analysed using factor score, and univariate analysis was conducted to find out the relation between the socio-economic factor and the attributes of tourism development. Findings – The findings revealed that age does not have any impact on the attributes of tourism development, whereas education has a relation with community involvement. Further, the income has a relation with local entrepreneurs, social gains and cultural diversity.  Originality– Visakhapatnam is one of the most visited tourist destinations in Andhra Pradesh. The study was undertaken to give impetus to the attributes of tourism development at this destination. Grounded on the relevant literature and the study's objectives, a framework was developed to ascertain the impact of socio-economic factors on the attributes of tourism development at Visakhapatnam as the visits to the tourist places are gaining importance. Managerial Implications: The study contributes to the body of knowledge on the impact of socio-economic factors on the attributes of tourism development. It helps the organisations formulate strategies for creating awareness and implementing strategies
for tourism development at Visakhapatnam.





How to Cite

Manda Hemalatha, & P Sujatha. (2019). Socio-Economic Impact Of Tourism Development At Visakhapatnam. Elementary Education Online, 18(4), 2315–2325. Retrieved from


