Migration, Education And Delinquency: Educational Vulnerability Of Afghan Refugees And Its Effect On Their Resettlement
migration, education, resettlement, deviance, delinquency, crime, social adjustment, educational deprivationAbstract
Education is the reconstruction of human experiences, which shapes personality and a reason for social adjustment in the dynamic and diverse environment. Relationally and comparatively, the immigrants or refugees require educational attainment at the most to
integrate, adjust and resettle in the new society (receiving society). Failure in attainment of such a basic requirement adversely affect their adjustment and resettlement in most cases lead them towards deviance, delinquency, and criminality. The current research is an
attempt to understand the situation of Afghan refugees in Pakistan especially Pakhtun settled areas pertaining to the role of education in their resettlement. The is study is undertaken through qualitative methods including convenient sampling technique (sample selection) and interview guide (data collection). Afghan refugees residing in the area were selected as research participants. The study concludes that educational opportunities to Afghanis are rarely available in the area, which is among the aggravated reasons behind their mal-adjustment and hurdle in their resettlement. Alongside, evidence about turning of youth into criminal activities because of non-availability of educational facilitation is one of the blatant effects are also found. It is recommended that provision and inclusion of Afghanis in the educational structure might have effective, productive, and lucrative consequences for Afghanis and the general Pakhtun community for smooth and serene social structure.