An Analytical Study Of Manpower Planning As A Strategy To Secure Employability


  • Aniket Gurunath Modak
  • Dr. Medha Kanetkar


Skill Upgradation, Employees, Labour Market, HEGs.


These days, having the right information and skills is crucial for thriving in both the workforce and society at large. The phrase "Employability Abilities" refers to a set of skills and traits that include both cognitive and non-cognitive components that are
organised into a knowledge framework. Employability skills are no longer just those needed to land a job; in today's dynamic economy and continually evolving workplace, they also include those required to continuously better and upgrade oneself in order to
compete and succeed in the labour market.Thus, the terms "skilling," "up skilling," "deskilling," and "reskilling" can be viewed as parts of the notion of "sustainable employability," which has a lengthy life cycle and numerous stakeholders. A skill gap among graduates is one of the new concerns that is changing the interaction between higher education and the labour market. The topic of higher education graduates (HEGs) in India is examined in this essay. It notes two issues in India: low work preparedness among HEGs resulting from three different types of gaps between the higher education sector and the labour market; and rising unemployment rates among HEGs as a result of poor and limited employment possibilities as a result of "jobless growth."These include deficiencies in perception, knowledge, and abilities. In order to close these skills gaps and provide HEGs with the sustainable employability skills they
need, the study suggests a framework for sustainable employability that will require mutually adaptive and coordinated actions from all stakeholders.




How to Cite

Aniket Gurunath Modak, & Dr. Medha Kanetkar. (2023). An Analytical Study Of Manpower Planning As A Strategy To Secure Employability. Elementary Education Online, 21(3), 268–276. Retrieved from


