Portfolio Allocation Decisions Of Individual Investors Before, During And Post Covid-19. A Study Of Retail Investors In Jammu District Of Jammu And Kashmir


  • Dr. Kafeel Ahmed


COVID-19, Portfolio composition, investment avenues


Covid-19 has significantly affected all sectors of Indian economy. Capital market are derived by what happens in Indian economy. Due to Covid-19 pandemic capital market in India is badly affected due to lockdown and standstill of almost all components of economy. In this paper I have tried to find out the investor’s portfolio before, during and after covid19.It is generally believed that investors have started reallocating their portfolio in order to avoid loss and to maintain minimum value of investment. The uncertainty caused by this pandemic has forced investors to shift from highly risky investment avenues to conservative assets. In this section we are trying to find out the investor’s portfolio composition during during different phases. The data is collected from investors residing in Rajouri Jammu and Kashmir.




How to Cite

Dr. Kafeel Ahmed. (2023). Portfolio Allocation Decisions Of Individual Investors Before, During And Post Covid-19. A Study Of Retail Investors In Jammu District Of Jammu And Kashmir. Elementary Education Online, 20(2), 3836–3842. Retrieved from https://ilkogretim-online.org/index.php/pub/article/view/1657


