Importance Of 73rd Amendment Act As A Catalyst For Women Empowerment In India : An Analytical Study
Political Empowerment, Women, 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act, Panchayati Raj Institution, local governance.Abstract
When 73rd constitutional amendment act was introduced in the year 1992 it was described as the new phase in the political empowerment of women. Reservations for women in Panchayati Raj institutions (PRIs) were seen as a way to boost women empowerment through increased political awareness, self-confidence, and involvement in development and social issues of the region. The 73rd Constitutional Amendment Acts, 1992 proved to be catalytic, ushering in more than 15 lakh women into the position of leaders in India’s local administration. These amendments, among other legislations, handed over the buttons of power to the population at the grassroot level with one-third reservation of seats and crucial positions within the panchayat for women. The 73rd amendment Acts are no doubt important milestones in Indian history according to which 33 percent seats are reserved for women at the Panchayat and Municipal levels. This particular paper explores the impact on political representation, socio-economic empowerment, leadership development, and the challenges faced in the process. It further highlights the transformative potential of this Amendment in breaking gender stereotypes and fostering a more inclusive society. This paper is an attempt to understand women empowerment in grassroot level and how far it leads the way to their participation in Panchayati Raj Institutions.