Analysis Of Government Sector Productivity Due To Cloud Computing Execution
e-government; Design and Analysis e-government; Cloud Computing; Information Technology.Abstract
Governments have made significant efforts to elevate the provision of benefits to communities and companies related with these folks. In an effort to improve and accelerate the delivery of services, communication and technology have pushed governments to adopt e-government. You may now publish everything as a resource from any location and at any interval of time, owing to cloud technology, which has currently evolved into a formidable and effective technology for simplifying the distribution of services usings the Internet. As per the purpose of this research, the implementation of cloud technology and the cloud computing specifications in the e-government would be explored. E-government challenges and risks are also studied, alongside models of cloud computing, security procedures, and cloud computing improvement initiatives. As a scientific strategy, an analytical process was utilised to discover the most effective techniques for mandating cloud computing in e-government.