Contextual Teaching And Learning (Ctl) Learning Model Using The Module For Futsal Courses, Department Of Sports Training Education, Faculty Of Sports Science, Surabaya State University


  • Arif Bulqini
  • Agus Wiyono


Contextual Teaching and Learning, CTL, Modul, Learning Outcomes


The study aims to determine (1) the feasibility of implementing the module using the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) learning model, (2) student learning outcomes in implementing the module, (3) students' responses to the module implementation in the Futsal course. The research adopts the True Experimental Design with Posttest Only Control Design research type. The population is
students of Sports Coaching Education, with the samples are the 2018 and 2019 classes of the Sports Coaching Education Department, Faculty of Sports Science, Surabaya State University. The research instrument is a module validation sheet validated by an expert lecturer in Sports Coaching Education, Surabaya State University. Validation by expert lecturers resulted in a percentage value of 77.5% and is categorized as feasible according to the assessment size criteria table and the score weight. The literature review stage, which compares five relevant studies using the CTL learning model, concludes that using the teaching and learning activities model is very efficient and worthy to improve student learning outcomes.




How to Cite

Arif Bulqini, & Agus Wiyono. (2023). Contextual Teaching And Learning (Ctl) Learning Model Using The Module For Futsal Courses, Department Of Sports Training Education, Faculty Of Sports Science, Surabaya State University. Elementary Education Online, 20(3), 542–549. Retrieved from


