VerticalAgriculture Monitoring System In Iot


  • T P Rani
  • J Aruna Jasmine
  • M.Janani
  • M.Bhuvaneshwari
  • B.Kavya


urban agriculture, vertical farming.


The proposed system is a new technology applied to the management of large scale, commercial agriculture to overcome the disadvantages in the normal agriculture. It promises high yields and lower input costs by real- time and automatic monitoring of
environmental and soil conditions using different sensors. Normally, agriculture needs large amount of lands for cultivation. In our system, space is managed by implementing cultivation in different floors. It overcomes the disadvantages like landslides, floods and
some animal attacks in agriculture which cause crop destruction. Climatic condition monitoring is one of the most important aspects in agricultural production. It has its direct impact on productivity and maintenance of field crop and it is monitored here using
sensors. Monitoring the soil parameters and environmental conditions like temperature, humidity, soil moisture, soil pH, soil nutrients, sunshine and height of the plant are performed using sensors.




How to Cite

T P Rani, J Aruna Jasmine, M.Janani, M.Bhuvaneshwari, & B.Kavya. (2021). VerticalAgriculture Monitoring System In Iot. Elementary Education Online, 20(1), 5220–5230. Retrieved from




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