An Association Of Age With Purchase Frequency In E-Tailing


  • Dr V Sasirekha
  • Gurumoorthy. K
  • Dr Ashraf Imam
  • Neevetha


COVID pandemic, Age, E-tailing and Purchase frequency


E-tailing is the process of selling the goods and services to the large number of customers in the lesser quantity through the internet platform. Indian e-tailing sector is showing a burgeoning growth during the COVID Pandemic. The main purpose of the study is to test the association of the demographic variable Age with the customer’s preference towards the frequency of purchase in online shopping. The scope of the study is confined with both the tangibles and the intangibles in horizontal e-tailers. The sampling frame of the study is the respondents those who have a previous experience in buying goods from the horizontal e-tailers. The purposive sampling technique was adapted to choose the respondents. The sample size was 410 respondents. The data was collected during November 2021 in India. The data analysis tool used was the Chisquare test. The result from the data analysis indicates that the Age of the customers are significantly related to the customer’s frequency of purchase during the online shopping. The suggestions and conclusions are discussed further in detail.




How to Cite

Dr V Sasirekha, Gurumoorthy. K, Dr Ashraf Imam, & Neevetha. (2021). An Association Of Age With Purchase Frequency In E-Tailing. Elementary Education Online, 20(1), 5247–5251. Retrieved from


