A Clinical Evaluation Of Chu’s Esthetic Gauges In Crown Lengthening Procedures In The Maxillary Anterior Region-A Randomised Study


  • Dr. Nitish Poddar
  • Dr. Devanand Shetty
  • Dr. Arvind Shetty
  • Dr. Suyog Dharmadhikari
  • Dr. Pooja Wadkar


Esthetics, Chu’S, golden proportion.


Crown Lengthening is a surgical procedure performed to increase the tooth support for a fixed prosthesis or for a better aesthetic outcome while preserving the biologic width around a tooth. Chu’s Esthetic Gauges help the clinician to visualize the surgical
procedure better with the help of certain specific markings. Thus, maintaining the golden proportion of the teeth leads to a superior outcome. To clinically evaluate the positional changes of the gingiva, alveolar bone, and biologic width following surgical
crown lengthening procedure using Chu’s esthetic gauges to that of the pre-surgical measurements in the Indian population. Arandomized study was carried out at 30 maxillary anterior sites requiring a crown lengthening procedure. Baseline data was
recorded and surgery was performed using Chu’s Esthetic Gauges. The data was again recorded after 3 months. Chi-square analysis was used to find the significance of study parameters on a categorical scale. Student t-tests (two-tailed, paired) were used to find
the significance of study parameters on the continuous scale within the group at different time intervals. On evaluation, the differences in the mean gingival index were statistically insignificant. The position of the gingival margin and Relative attachment level-shifted apically but the sulcus depth was maintained. The change in probing depth, Biologic width, and biologic width in a thick and thin biotype of gingiva was statistically non-significant. A total of 83.33% of treated sites had complete papilla fill, resulting in better esthetics. The Chu’s Esthetic Gauges helped in determining the ideal Golden Proportion of a tooth and on the basis of this measurement, determine the position of the alveolar crest to maintain the biologic width. It enables the operator to identify the anatomic crown and clinical crown.




How to Cite

Dr. Nitish Poddar, Dr. Devanand Shetty, Dr. Arvind Shetty, Dr. Suyog Dharmadhikari, & Dr. Pooja Wadkar. (2021). A Clinical Evaluation Of Chu’s Esthetic Gauges In Crown Lengthening Procedures In The Maxillary Anterior Region-A Randomised Study. Elementary Education Online, 20(1), 5498–5507. Retrieved from https://ilkogretim-online.org/index.php/pub/article/view/1864


