Cardiopulmonary Fitness In Young Adults With Inactive, Minimally Active And HEPA Active Lifestyle
cardiopulmonary fitness, young adults, sedentary lifestyle, highly active,YMCA 3MSTAbstract
With a rapid shift towards a sedentary lifestyle among young adults in the recent pandemic times, inactivity has become a rising issue. The awareness regarding the benefits of physical activity in improving cardio respiratory fitness is important specially among those individuals who lead an inactive and sedentary lifestyle. This study aimed to compare the cardiopulmonary fitness inyoung
adults, among highly active, minimally active and among those with a sedentary lifestyle.YMCA 3MST was performed on 45 adults who were categorized into 3 groups based on their physical activity levels. Inter group comparison was done using one way ANOVA followed bypair wise comparison using post hoc test. It was concluded that individuals engaging in health enhancing physical activity (mean heart rate recorded in this group was 96.00 with SD of 9.943)recorded better CRF levels as compared to other groups (mean heart rate recorded was 124.87 ± 8.132 and 118.27 ± 8.198).