Impact Of Informational Justice On Organization Commitment And Employee Motivation In Banking Sector Of Lahore Pakistan
Organization Commitment, Employee Motivation, Informational JusticeAbstract
The basic purpose of this research was to assess the effects of Informational justice on organization commitment and employee motivation in Banking Sector of Lahore (Pakistan).Data was collected through self-administrated questionnaire which was
distributed among private and public banks holding positions of officer rank of employees. Sample size was 270.SPSS software was used for demographic and inferential analysis. Results conclude that both of Informational justice has positive impact on employee
motivation on informational justice respectively. This study mainly focused on Banking Sector in Lahore. So, the results are limited to only banking sector. Current study is cross sectional. Data was collected from officers of one city that is Lahore it required to do
similar research on other cities of Punjab.