The Relationship between Career Preparation Behavior and Career Decision Attitudes among Adolescent Sports Players


  • Chun-Ho Yang


Adolescent student sports players, Career preparation behavior, Career preparation attitudes, Career maturity, Career decision level


This research was performed to examine the relationship between career preparation behavior and career decision attitudes among adolescent student sports players. In this study, the survey respondents were asked to fill out the questionnaire, and the copies of the questionnaire were collected immediately after being completed by the respondents. In the event of excluding some copies which were not sincerely filled out, 389 copies in total were used for the final analysis. The results reached through research process are as follows. First, this research showed that career preparation behavior has a positive relationship with career decision attitudes among students. In this way, the career preparation behavior has significant positive effects on career preparation attitudes. Third, career preparation behavior has significant positive effects on career maturity of students. Forth, career preparation behavior has significant positive effects on the determining of a suitable career decision level of the students. In conclusion, the necessity to do career preparation behavior is an important step to take before deciding one's career. In short, this research seems to evidence that we need to do career education, in an effort to help adolescent student sports players to decide their future careers.





How to Cite

Chun-Ho Yang. (2023). The Relationship between Career Preparation Behavior and Career Decision Attitudes among Adolescent Sports Players. Elementary Education Online, 20(3), 1270–1276. Retrieved from


