How Schools Quality Management Discourages Private Coachings
Education, Elementary Education, Schools, Education Policy, Public PolicyAbstract
Research aims to improve education quality in order to achieve sustainable development objectives. Well-being and inequality were also taken into account. An online survey was the most effective method for achieving the study's goals. The results of the survey were
disseminated across Indian institutions. The gathered data was analyzed using Partial Least Squares (PLS). India's sustainable development objectives may be achieved via education quality management, according to research. Successful secondary education completion leads to larger contributions to public budgets and investment, but school failure and dropout have substantial economic and social consequences. People who are more educated are less reliant on public assistance, and thus are less susceptible to economic downturns. Knowledge-based societies are better able to deal with current and future challenges. Investing in early, primary, and secondary education for all children, especially those from underprivileged households, is both fair and efficient.