Laurence's Comment On The English Tradition, Treatment Of Gender In Her Novel The Diviners
This Paper Presents the situation of women in male dominate society.The protagonists of the Manawaka novels search for identity in order to realize themselves. The women in these stories are frustrated and dissatisfied with their role in the society. The protagonists undergo a spiritual quest that involves breaking long-standing habits, specifically trying to please their husbands, friends, children, but never themselves. Thus they become isolated and isolated. The search for identity for self-realization is an attempt to understand oneself. This discovery enables the protagonist to understand others. So in search of identity they try to develop invaluable qualities like compassion, love, simplicity and humility. In addition, the heroes go through a lot of suffering before getting a vision. But they consider sadness a positive emotion. This attitude strengthens the individual and also provides selfawareness. Lawrence talks about the past and Metis and the importance she gives to the landscape. Almost all heroes receive their lights amidst natural surroundings. Landscape is used to analyse and examine the landscape of the mind of individuals. Many other authors use landscape in their works. In 300 Patrick White's novels, the landscape is raw and uninhabited. It remains the same, although each person perceives different aspects of it. Many of Hardy's novels deal with landscapes. RK Narayan's use of Malgudi is very similar to Lawrence's Manawaka. It grows and changes.