An Analysis Of Photo Journalistic Ethics On Koodankulam Issue In Tamil Nadu
Koodankulam atomic plant, Photojournalism, Ethics, Journalistic ResponsibilityAbstract
The responsibility of media is, as a substitute of presenting erosion of our social status, to devote itself in emphasize upon developmental issues. News related to innovation, discovery, improvement of every sector will encourage the people. In last year more than one million images were posted in various online magazines. In this statistics most of the pictures are social consequences. This research topic focused on the media responsibility towards the coverage of Koodankulam atomic plant protest. Koodankulam is located in southern Indian state Tamilnadu. Koodankulam issue is a very sensational one and its reaches worldwide coverage through various media. The project has its roots in 1979, when the Soviet Union entered into a nuclear power deal with the Indian government. In this atomic plant issue Koodankulam and surrounding village peoples are protest over the twenty years. Some of the people were killed police attacks. The main objective of the protest is impact of atomic power energy danger and its effects on the people living and future generations also. So, many photojournalists covered the peoples protest in various themes with different perspectives. Some of the magazines and newspapers covered the detailed view and scientific view of the issues of Koodankulam atomic plant. Photojournalism has opened up a new field that became extremely influential in conveying social issues to the general public. Photojournalist Amirtharaj Stephen has covered the issue for the four years by spending considerable time interacting and being one among the people and working ethically without exploiting the people’s privacy. So this research focuses on photojournalistic ethics of Amirtharaj Stephen’s photographs taken during the protest. In this research content analysis method is adopted for analyzing his published photos in various media.