Relationship between Learning Environment and Quality of Service at University Level


  • Maryam Munir
  • Syeda Samina Tahira,
  • Muhammad Shabbir Ali
  • Somia Yaqub
  • Asif Iqbal


Learning environment, Service quality, Students motivation


The present study is an intention to investigate the relationship between learning environment and service quality among students at University level. The sample comprised of 86 male and 572 female students. The data were computed using descriptive as well as inferential statistics. The results of the study found a significant and strong positive relationship between learning environment and service quality of students. There is a significant moderate positive relationship of physical, cooperative, academic, presentation and motivation aspects of environment with tangible aspect of service quality. When correlate with different aspects, a significant moderate and positive relationship exists for physical, cooperative, academic, presentation, and motivation aspects of environment with the reliability aspect of service quality. A significant moderate positive relationship of physical, cooperative, academic,
presentation and motivation aspects of environment with the responsiveness aspect of service quality. As concerned with the assurance aspect of service quality, all physical, cooperative, academic, presentation and motivation aspects of learning environment have significant moderate positive relationship. 




How to Cite

Maryam Munir, Syeda Samina Tahira, Muhammad Shabbir Ali, Somia Yaqub, & Asif Iqbal. (2023). Relationship between Learning Environment and Quality of Service at University Level . Elementary Education Online, 20(3), 2220–2230. Retrieved from


