Assessment of Antimicrobial Property of Different Leaf Extracts of Calotropis procera and Calotropis gigantea against Staphylococcus aureus
Antimicrobial agents are compounds that may either suppress or eliminate infections while causing negligible or little harm to the host cells. Antimicrobials applied on non-living substances are known as cleaning agents. Antibiotics, antiviral, antifungal, and other
antimicrobials are the most common types. In most cases, antibiotics are applied to cure bacterial infections. Antibiotic poisoning in humans and other animals is typically thought to be minimal. Formerly, the word antibiotic exclusively pertained to compositions generated from live organisms, but it is now used to denote artificial antimicrobials like sulphonamides. Hence the present study is designed to assess antimicrobial activity of Calotropis against bacteria Staphylococcus aureus.