Overview Of Blockchain Technology And Its Applications In Different Disciplines


  • Vandana Rawat
  • Navin Nilesh Toppo
  • Neelam Singh
  • Aditya Joshi
  • Pankaj Agarwal


Block Chain, Healthcare Organization, Pharmaceuticals, Supply Chain .


A chain of relevant data blocks is referred to as a blockchain technology. It is a decentralized ledger that is entirely accessible to all users and has the intriguing quality that before the information is captured there, it is continuously stored there and can't be changed. This invariant property of the blockchain is very closely aligned with the health record retention requirements that represent the need
to ensure the integrity and legality of a patient's health record. An important characteristic of blockchain that is useful for healthcare applications is its decentralization. This allows the user to implement centralized, agency-independent, decentralized healthcare applications. In addition, the fact that data on the blockchain is replicated across all nodes on the network is a way for healthcare professionals, especially patients, to know how, by whom, when, and how to handle the data. More importantly, the ettlement of nodes on the blockchain network does not affect the status of the ledger. Blockchain can safeguard your medical information against potential data loss, fraud, and terrorist threats like ransomware attacks since ledger information is reproduced across multiple nodes in your network. Using Blockchain technology, this research examined important data challenges confronting healthcare providers.




How to Cite

Vandana Rawat, Navin Nilesh Toppo, Neelam Singh, Aditya Joshi, & Pankaj Agarwal. (2023). Overview Of Blockchain Technology And Its Applications In Different Disciplines. Elementary Education Online, 20(3), 3813–3822. Retrieved from https://ilkogretim-online.org/index.php/pub/article/view/2768


