An Iot Enable Smart Home Automation Using Cisco Packet Tracer


  • Kajal B.Bhavsar


iot,smart home, Cisco Packet Tracer 7.2, Simulations.


The technology has been growing from day to day in human life. The necessity for the development of technology is to lead human life comfortably. The basic need of human to lead his/her life comfortably is a home. A home with updated latest technology which means a smart home. This paper gives the basic idea use Cisco packet tracer to implement smart home. One is needed to create a smart home when electronic devices are switched on and off. Smart home development is achieved by simulation via testing system, network setup and wireless home gateway computer network equipment required by a smart home network Cisco packet tracer using Internet Thing (IoT)/IoE command. The software chosen for the simulations is Cisco Packet Tracer, the tool's main strength is to offer a variety of network components that represent a real network, and then interconnect and configure devices to create a network. Cisco implemented (IoT) functionalities in the latest version of the platform, and now it is possible to add all the smart devices, sensors, actuators and also devices, which simulate microcontrollers like Arduino or Raspberry Pi to the network. All IoT devices can be run on generic programs or modified by Java, Python or Blocky programming them. This makes Cisco Packet Tracer a perfect method to construct functional simulations for IoT.




How to Cite

Kajal B.Bhavsar. (2023). An Iot Enable Smart Home Automation Using Cisco Packet Tracer . Elementary Education Online, 20(4), 5150–5159. Retrieved from


