An Efficiency Enhancement Of Whatsapp Through The Sife-Sba Algorithm With Eliminating Identical Files


  • Lisa Gopal


WhatsApp, efficiency enhancement, SIFE-SBA algorithm, file elimination, identical files, storage optimization.


The instant messaging service WhatsApp links millions of users all over the world. It is one of the most popular services of its kind. On the other hand, as the number of users continues to grow, it has become significantly more challenging to efficiently manage and store user data. In the context of this research study, the SIFE-SBA method is proposed as a potential efficiency enhancement that might be implemented for WhatsApp with the intention of deleting duplicate files. The SIFE-SBA technique makes use of ingenious ways for removing files in order to reduce the amount of storage space required by the programme and improve its overall speed. The results of the experiments reveal that using the strategy that was recommended greatly cuts down on the amount of storage space required while maintaining both the availability and integrity of user data.




How to Cite

Lisa Gopal. (2023). An Efficiency Enhancement Of Whatsapp Through The Sife-Sba Algorithm With Eliminating Identical Files. Elementary Education Online, 20(4), 4880–4889. Retrieved from


