
  • Jawahar L. Chaudhari


Urbanization, Population, Migration, Overcrowding, Slums, Urban Agglomeration, Settlement, Vibrant center.


Urbanization is a process of urban growth to the rise of a city or town. Urbanization is closely linked to modernization, industrialization and the socio- economic changes in the towns. The problem associated with urbanization are high population density, insufficient
infrastructure, Supply on drinking water, wide roads, lack of economical housing, pollution, slum creation, crime, cognation and poverty etc.. This problem created on high population density and the heavy rate of migration from rural area to Urban areas.. The
increases population at a great rate has led to a severe shortage of dwelling units which resulted to overcrowding, traffic cognations ion, pollution, housing shortage (slums),increase rent house, poor urban living condition etc., The provision of infrastructural facilities required to support such large concentration of population is lagging far behind the pace of urbanization. The increase of urban population more and more agricultural area has been converted non-agricultural area in to urban use. The structure is medium town as a vibrant center of agriculture, business, industry, education, health, marketing, transport, administration, banking, telecommunication, laws and other services. Some of the positive implications of urbanization, therefore, include the creation of employment opportunities, increase in education facilities, Improvement in Public Transportation and communication also encouragement of non- motorized mode is a critical requirement for improving mobility in urban areas and provide sufficient drinking
water facility and health facility. In Urban areas improved, developed mobility would also have a beneficial impact on the urban poor by improving their provide access to education, opportunities on employment, education and health care for urban planning it is necessary to give attention to an appropriate policy for integration of transportation and traffic plan,land use planning for every urban agglomeration and settlement pattern in Town




How to Cite

Jawahar L. Chaudhari. (2023). URBANIZATION TRENDS IN MAHARASHTRA IN INDIA. Elementary Education Online, 20(3), 4363–4370. Retrieved from https://ilkogretim-online.org/index.php/pub/article/view/2878


