The Perception Of Male Post Graduate Studetns Towards Educated Women


  • T.Sireesha


Women constitute about half of the country’s total population but their position and status have been interior to men. Their position has undergone change from the preVedic to modern times. Before pre-independence the conditions of women were very miserable. The same state, after Vedic period continued. Society has general prejudice against female education. During the Muslim regime the percentage of literacy among women went down rapidly and at the advent of the British regime female education was confirmed only to the cultured and will-to-do families. In this context, it is perceived that the perception of education male students towards educated women is very important to improve their position, as men are part and parcel for women’s development. Therefore, this study is conceived to understand the perception of educated male students towards educated women as they are going to be the future citizens. So, the attitudes and mindset of the male students can be changed for improvement of women. 




How to Cite

T.Sireesha. (2023). The Perception Of Male Post Graduate Studetns Towards Educated Women. Elementary Education Online, 20(3), 4929–4932. Retrieved from


