Spatial analysis model for solving clean water supply problem based on customer complaints of pdam tirta pakuan-bogor city
Clean water services, customer complaints, millennium development goals, water conservation techniques, water supply raw materials.Abstract
The scarcity of clean water in the world’s big cities is a global issue, especially when referringto the results of the Earth Summit in Johannesburg in 2015 where the target of meeting clean waterservices became 80%. Meanwhile, the improvement of safe water services (piping and non-piping) in2015 reached 68.87% with protected water sources reaches 78.19% for urban areas and 61.60% in ruralareas. Currently, the fulfillment of clean water in Bogor City has reached 68% of the MDG's target. Thiscondition can be recognized by the indication of the number of customer complaints. Mapping theproblems of participatory household water supply in Bogor City is needed as an analytical material to seespatial areas that are not optimally served by clean water. Various internal improvements, especiallyrelated to piping infrastructure and regulating water discharge, it is expected that the fulfillment anddistribution of clean water can be more optimized. The method used in this study is spatial analysis,where the cluster of problems involving locations and times can be identified and compared, hence theproblem of customer complaints can be identified faster and more systemically in order to offer asolution as soon as possible. This research is limited to aspects related to supply disruptions, not
considering aspects of clean water quality. The results of the study show that the service area or clustersthat often problems are in West Bogor District, and generally occur in the dry season peak of SeptemberOctober. There is a need of comprehensive analysesabout the aspects water conservation to provide theprotection of water raw material supply for PDAM Tirta Pakuan-Bogor City, including how to deliversufficient and good quality of clean water supply, so that customer complaints can be resolved better.