Design Of Uwb Vivaldi Antenna For Stroke Detection And Monitoring Based OnQualitative Microwave Imaging Technique
Near field imaging, stroke diagnostics, microwave tomography, S-parameter curve of the designed antenna, Antenna systemAbstract
Microwave imaging is one of the emerging noninvasive portable imaging techniques which use non ionized radiations to take the detailed view of biological tissues in the microwave frequency range. In this paper Ultra wideband Vivaldi antenna is designed as a radar technology to view the properties of head tissue at a resonance frequency of 2.2GHz and 3.5 GHz. The proposed Vivaldi structure is simulated with FR-4 substrate (dielectric constant of 4.3, thickness of h=1.6 mm) using CST microwave simulation software (2020 version). This near field imaging arrangement is proposed for identification of blood clot/stroke at an early stage as well as for continuous monitoring.