Role Of Regular Descriptive Feedback In Enhancing Metacognitive Skills And Intrinsic Motivation: Evidence From Randomized Field Experiment
Peer descriptive feedback (PDF), Audience response systems (ARSs), Randomized field experiment (RFE), intrinsic motivation, Metacognitive skills, Socrative, Regular Descriptive feedback (RDF).Abstract
This study uses a hybrid approach of audience response systems (ARSs; such as Socrative) and revised Bloom's taxonomy (RBT) to examine how regular descriptive feedback affects students' metacognitive skills and intrinsic motivation. Through randomized field experiment (RFE), we divide 966 physics students from 16 colleges into three groups: control, individual, and cooperative group. The results show that cooperative treatment improves students' intrinsic motivation (IM) and metacognitive skills (MS). Individual treatment (InT) had no effect on IM or MS. Furthermore, mediation analysis suggests that IM mediates the CoT and MS. Based on these findings, we recommend combining descriptive feedback and peer discussion in physics classes with ARS technology assessment.