Analyzing Road Traffic Crash Severity In Uttarakhand Region


  • Preeti Malik
  • Ilarika Rautela
  • Varsha Mittal
  • Dr. Hemant Chauhan


Traffic analysis, field of transportation, neural network, deep learning, motion detection


In the current era of modernization as we move ahead towards a future which is more and more computerized and automated there are many events happenings around us which needs to be solved and handled carefully. Road accidents is one of them. It is an
essential component of human life. Due to the inadequacy of conventional approaches to handle the complexity of road traffic characteristics and relationships, there has been a surge in interest in neural network applications in the field of transportation research in recent years. In this paper, we are going to study different pre introduced algorithms and models based on traffic analysis and also the causes that effects these accidents to happen and how we can prevent them. We are also going to use case study approach to analyse the past five years data based on road traffic.




How to Cite

Preeti Malik, Ilarika Rautela, Varsha Mittal, & Dr. Hemant Chauhan. (2023). Analyzing Road Traffic Crash Severity In Uttarakhand Region. Elementary Education Online, 20(4), 3876–3891. Retrieved from


