Green Behavior and Intention to Charity on Disposal of Baby Equipment Products


  • Tanti Handriana,
  • Annisa Amalia Ningsih,


environment, recycling behavior, donating, economic disposal behavior.


An effort to reuse products that are no longer used is one example of environmentally friendly behaviour. A mother’s effort to recycle baby equipment products is also another example of environmentally friendly behavior. The purpose of this study to understand the impact of awareness the environment and recycling behavior on giving to family or friends disposal behavior, donating to charity disposal behavior, and recycling behavior. This study involved 216 respondents. Analytical technique used is structural equation modeling (SEM). The result of this study shows that awareness of the environment does have an impact to giving to family or friends behavior and recycling behavior, where recycling behavior has an impact on economic disposal behavior and giving to family or friends behavior, while awareness of the environment has no impact on donating to charity disposal behavior and recycling behavior has no impact on donating to charity disposal behavior. Hopefully, the result to this study brings contribution to the development of green marketing concept.




How to Cite

Tanti Handriana, & Annisa Amalia Ningsih,. (2023). Green Behavior and Intention to Charity on Disposal of Baby Equipment Products. Elementary Education Online, 19(4), 434–440. Retrieved from


