Information System of "Laku Pandai": Achieving Financial Inclusion-Financial Technology SMEs Sector in Banyuwangi
Laku Pandai, Financial Technology, Financial Inclusion, Designing Credit System.Abstract
Indonesian Financial Inclusion level has increased each year. It is still slow compared to the level of Financial Inclusion in other ASEAN countries. Indonesia index in 2014 was 36%, while the index of Thailand was 78%, Malaysia 81%, and Singapore 96%. Several factors are slow increase in the distance of people’s homes with financial services and the difficulty of public access to financial products. OJK through policies issued Laku Pandai (Financial Technology – based) to tackle the problem. Banyuwangi is the largest district in East Java, with 1,6 million residents in 2017, and 269.267 SMEs in 2015. The amount is deemed to represent the impact of Laku Pandai in East Java. Based on research data obtained through interview, observation, and documentation descriptive qualitative methods found problems accessing credit undertaken by SMEs through Laku Pandai. Therefore we need to redesign on the credit system of Laku Pandai. The purpose of this research is to develop the credit system of Laku Pandai in order to increase effectiveness and efficiency in achieving financial inclusion, especially in the SME sector. Result form the study show the necessary capital to redesign proccess credit system can provide great benefits to Bank that Organize Laku Pandai.