Bacterial and Fungal Species of Oil Contaminated Soil of Banda Dauood Shah, KP Pakistan


  • Waseem Shoukat
  • Shujaat Hussain,
  • Asma Noureen
  • Gulab Khan
  • Javed Ahmad Ujjan
  • Farhana
  • Anam Zohra,
  • Hidayat Ullah
  • Hina Saeed


Oil contaminated soil, Microbiology of soil, Fungi, bacteria


- Current study focus to evaluate the oil contaminant soil of the Banda Dhoud Shah in terms of biological diversity (bacteria and fungi), Soil sample were collected from three different depths that is 0-1.5, 1.5-2.5 and 2.5- 3.5m from different places of the Banda dauood shah (M.CPF, M. OF, G. P, SB.DS, A.WDS and N. OGDCL). samples were processed through microorganism isolation and identification. Result revealed that upper surface (0-1.5m) was inhibit by diverse and large number of strains (bacterial and fungal) while the deeper layer (2.5-3.5m) was inhibited by least number of organisms. further, sampling site no 3 (Gorgary Plant (G. P)) contain highest number of bacterial count (n=9 and average value 3), while in case of fungal strains sampling site 6 (N. OGDCL) contained greater quantity of the organism (n=5 and ave=1.66). After gram staining and microscopy it was found that most of the isolated bacteria were gram negative 51.3%. Besides this after microscopy it was found that most of the gram positive were cocci (n=12) while in gram negative bacillus was found at highest frequency (n=21). After biochemical tests it was found that Pseudomonas spp, Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter sp and Streptococcus pneumonia. Among these isolates dominated spp was Pseudomonas spp (n=15; %=30), followed by the Bacillus cereus (n=12; %=24). In term of fungi upper layer contains 8 fungal strains with average value of the 1.33. besides this second layer of the depth contains 6 CFU/g (average 1) and the last layer/depth contain only 4 cfu/g (average 0.66). furthermore, sampling site 6 (N. OGDCL) contained greater quantity of the organism (n=5 and ave=1.66. On the basis of colony morphology Aspergillums niger was found at least frequency (n=4; %=21.05). all
other strains (Penicillium citrinum, Alternaria tenuissima and Aspergillus tubingensi), were in equal number and frequency that is n=5 and %= 26.3.




How to Cite

Waseem Shoukat, Shujaat Hussain, Asma Noureen, Gulab Khan, Javed Ahmad Ujjan, Farhana, … Hina Saeed. (2023). Bacterial and Fungal Species of Oil Contaminated Soil of Banda Dauood Shah, KP Pakistan. Elementary Education Online, 20(5), 7763–7769. Retrieved from


