Do contemplative practices in school curriculum help elementary school children become more civic-mindedness?
Civic mindedness, Contemplative practices, Mindfulness.Abstract
This study investigated the influence of contemplative curricular experiences on civic-minded among elementary school children in Thailand. The research was separated into 2 phases. In phase 1, the 725 students (children) gave their opinion with survey responses about civic-mindedness. In phase 2, the researchers investigated the transformative educational experiences with contemplative practices (e.g., mindfulness, meditation, and yoga) for 125 elementary school children from grades 4-6 in private schools in Thailand. Significant changes was found in civic-minded “awareness”, “motivation”, and “behavior” among children after a year of contemplative educational experiences in school. Boys reported significantly more change in civic-minded “behavior” than girls. The cultivation of civic learning among children was the implications of findings. The development of civic-mindedness is a major goal of schooling in Thailand. Contemplative practices help to develop social consciousness and a sense of responsibility toward each other and the community