Investigation Of Effect Of Training On Orientation And Reaction Ability Of Children With Hearing Impairments
Rhythmic ability, explosive strength, agility, sprint at given run test, Sargent jump, shuttle run testAbstract
The purpose of study was to find out effect of exercise training plan on Orientation and Reaction Ability of children with hearing impairments. 40 boys (treatment group) and 40 participants for control group from school for special children’s, Gwalior having age
group of 11 to 14 years were randomly selected. The subjects have approximately had a similar kind of lifestyle off the ground also in the terms of diet, sleeping time and hours, daily curriculum related activities, as they resided in campus hostels and shared common
mess. All the subjects were informed about the objective of the study. It was hypothesized that there will be significant difference in mean scores at different time points at regular intervals of two weeks at which data was collected from the participants in terms of their Orientation and Reaction Ability. The specific coordinative abilities were measured with appropriate test, Orientation Ability- Medicine Ball Run Test, Reaction Ability - Ball Reaction Exercise Test. To maintain the validity and reliability, valid and reliable test
items were used. Pre -Data for the study was collected and after that the data was collected at different duration as per training of 0-week, 2-week, 4 week, 6 and 8 weeks repeatedly. To find out the effect of training program. Repeated measure ANOVA was
used as statistical technique to find out the significant difference. To test the hypothesis, the level of significance was set at 0.05. It was concluded that training group significantly improved their performance in orientation and reaction ability tests.