Construction and Standardization of Career Preference Inventory


  • Krishan Gopal Kansal
  • Dr. Asha Yadav


Career, Preference, Construction, Standardization, Inventory


This paper describes the construction and standardization of the Career Preference Inventory which is a 121 item, individually or group administered assessment of 11 major career interest fields. There were 16 major career fields and 514 sub careers reviewed by the researcher. After pre try out and compiling all the suggestions of the expert committee 11 major career fields and 242 sub careers were shortlisted. The average test re-test reliability of the inventory was 0.83 and 0.77 after 15 days and 30 days respectively on a sample of 300 students of the secondary class. The value of the inter-item correlation of the Career Preference Inventory was 0.165 to 0.574 for all 11 career fields. For establishing criterion validity, the correlation was established with the items of Career Preference Record of Bhargava and Vocational Interest Record of Kulshrestha. The value of criterion-related validity found was 0.723 and 0.738 for Career Preference Record and Vocational Interest Record respectively. The researcher used the Stanines score for norm-referenced interpretations of the score.




How to Cite

Krishan Gopal Kansal, & Dr. Asha Yadav. (2023). Construction and Standardization of Career Preference Inventory. Elementary Education Online, 19(4), 4430–4437. Retrieved from


