Perspectives Of Intercaste And Interreligious Marriage With Special Focus To Social Context


  • Sharat Singha
  • Dr. Lalit Mohan Choudhary


Inter-caste, Interreligious, Marriage, Social.


India is a secular nation where all faiths are viewed on an equal basis. An individual is free to live his or her life they choose. The world's largest democracy, India, is renowned for it. Additionally, our nation's culture is well known throughout the world. The Hindu,
Jain, Sikh, Muslim, and inter-caste marriage secular laws all have different means of recognising the relationship between a man and a woman in the Indian state. From Human rights perspective for marriage each partner is given importance. Marriage is a relation of one or more men to one or more women which is recognized by custom or law and involves certain rights and duties both in case of the parties entering the union and in case of children born of it. Marriage is a union between two opposite regulating their
sex relationship. It is an organized institution for regulating their sex relationships. In this article, perspectives of inter-caste and interreligious marriage with special focus to social context has been discussed.




How to Cite

Sharat Singha, & Dr. Lalit Mohan Choudhary. (2023). Perspectives Of Intercaste And Interreligious Marriage With Special Focus To Social Context. Elementary Education Online, 20(6), 5698–5709. Retrieved from




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