Analysis Of Textile Wet Processing Defects And Remedies With Precausionary Measur


  • L.Nagarajan
  • A. Bhuvaneswari
  • C.Dhanalakshmi


Quality, Defects, Precaution, Dyeing, Contamination


The scope of the analysis is to minimize the value loss due to occurrence of quality defects during wet processing of textile fabrics. So, processors should take suitable precautionary measures to control the processing defects. Due to the presence of defect, the fabric have to be sold at lower price. Fabric defects can cause not only loss of profit but also affect the brand image in the market and in some cases it can push the smaller units into a poor economic situation. Considering the variability of factors, which contribute to the conversion of raw material into the finished product, it is quite obvious that with slight change in the properties of raw material, machine settings, processing variability etc., a defect causing attributes may get induced at any stages of production. From the analysis, I have found six different wet processing defects. The methodology of the project is discussed below; How to analyse the wet processing defects, Defect removing trails such as chemical tests, physical tests microscopic analysis, Lab processing trials (Lab dyeing),Reason for the defect, Defect removing trials, Precaution and remedies. According to this analysis we can observe how and when the faults are occurring during the process and how is it possible to control or remove it. These can be used as a tool for
analysing textile wet processing defects in textile industry





How to Cite

L.Nagarajan, A. Bhuvaneswari, & C.Dhanalakshmi. (2023). Analysis Of Textile Wet Processing Defects And Remedies With Precausionary Measur. Elementary Education Online, 20(5), 8463–8473. Retrieved from


