Effective Implication Of Portable Exhibition Media For Advertising Communication
Agricultural exhibitions, Arts and Humanities, Arts and Recreation, Exhibitions, Humanities MultidisciplinaryAbstract
Most farmers purchase essentials like pesticides, fertilizers, equipment, nourishment, and seeds from small businesses and the nearby Krushi Seva Kendra. Farmers do go to agro exhibits to learn about new techniques and trends in the agricultural industry. Farmers attend agro fairs to learn about cutting-edge agricultural inputs including nutrients, seeds, and fertilizers. However, most of these people do not regularly attend agricultural exhibits because of demographic, time, and financial constraints. Many of the most well-known large towns and districts often have exhibitions for three to four days, making it difficult for farmers to attend. A minimum of two to three days must be spent at the Agro shows by the farmers. Exhibitors in agro fairs face stiff competition from other businesses offering similar goods and services.