Social Adjustment Among Primary Caregivers Of Patients With Schizophrenia And Ocd
Social Adjustment, Primary Caregivers, Schizophrenia, OCDAbstract
The current study aimed to determine the Impact of Social Adjustment among Primary Caregivers of Patients with Schizophrenia and OCD. A total of 240 samples have been selected by purpose random selection method, mostly from Anand, Nadiad, and Ahmedabad City of Gujarat state. The study tool was the social adjustment inventory constructed by Dr. R.C. Deva (1990) for the data collection. Data was analyzed through an ‘F’– test. The result reveals that Primary caregivers of OCD patients have higher emotional adjustment as compared to primary caregivers of Schizophrenic patients. A significant difference was exposed between male and female primary caregivers of persons having schizophrenia and OCD on social adjustment subscale emotional adjustment. Rural caregivers of patients with schizophrenia and OCD were more emotionally adjusted as compared to urban caregivers. The interaction effect between
the Category of primary caregivers and Gender was exposed as insignificant for social adjustment trait emotional adjustment. Rural primary caregivers of schizophrenia and OCD patients have greater symptoms of emotional adjustment than urban primary caregivers. Female primary caregivers of patients with schizophrenia and OCD have revealed better social adjustment in terms of social maturity. Rural caregivers of patients with schizophrenia and OCD were more socially matured than urban primary caregivers.
Female primary caregivers of schizophrenia and OCD patients have better social maturity as compared to male primary caregivers. Rural primary caregivers of schizophrenia and OCD patients have greater social maturity than urban primary caregivers. Rural male
primary caregivers of patients with schizophrenia and OCD were more socially mature as compared to urban male primary caregivers. Rural female primary caregivers of patients with schizophrenia and OCD had better social maturity in comparison to urban female
primary caregivers. Primary caregivers of patients with OCD have displayed better social adjustment than patients with schizophrenia.