Teacher’s Participation In School Administration At The Secondary Level Of Education
Teacher’s Participation, Professional development and School AdministrationAbstract
The NPE (1986) is repeatedly said “the status of the teacher reflects the socio-cultural ethos of society and no people can rise above the level of its teachers”. For the achievement of high standard of education as well as well smooth functioning of academic activities, teacher participation is must. The major areas of school administration in which teacher should participate are Planning, Organizing, Communicating, Controlling and Evaluation. The objectives of the study were to ascertain the percentage of teachers taking part in planning, organizing, communicating, controlling and evaluation of administration system in relation to gender, educational qualification and teaching experience. A Descriptive study survey design was adopted for the study. For the study a representative sample of 100 teachers were selected from the 10 secondary schools of Gonda, Uttar Pradesh. The samples were collected on the basis of three variables gender, educational qualification and teaching experience through simple random sampling method. For the purpose of data collection the TPSAS (Teachers’ Participation In School Administration Scale) of Taj (1985) was used. Findings of the study were that in planning there existed significant difference in teachers’ participation in relation to gender variation but non-significant in relation to educational qualification and teaching experience, there did not exist any significance difference in
organizing function of teachers in relation to gender, teaching experience, and educational qualification, in respect of communicating role of secondary schools there existed a significant difference in relation to gender and educational qualification but there did not
exist any difference in relation to teaching experience, there existed significance difference in controlling functions of secondary schools in relation to gender but there did not existed any difference in relation to educational qualification and teaching experience and in evaluating there existed a significant different in teachers participations in school administration with regard to gender but there did not existed significant different with regard to educational qualification and teaching experience.