The War Of Geo-Economic Hegemony In Saudi-Iran Relations After The Rise Of Muhammad Bin Salman


  • Shah Fahad Ikram
  • Dr. Abdul Shakoor
  • Dr. Sajjad Ali Khan
  • Dr. Ahmad Ali


Saudi Arabia, Iran, Muhammad Bin Salman, Ideological difference, Geoeconomics,Strained relationship,Hegemony


Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Republic of Iran are two important states of the Middle East but their relationships arestrained for decades due to ideological differences. After the rise of Muhammad Bin Salman,the young crown Princeof Saudi Arabia, the old enmity of ideological and religious differences with Iran has transformed into geo-economichegemony in the region. The purpose of the current study is to highlight the geo-economic factor in the strained relationship betwe en Riyadh and Tehran along with the implications thereof for Saudi-Iran relations. Hegemonic stability theory has been implied on this qualitative work as focus is on Muhammad Bin Salman’s rise since 2015. The data shows that this paradigm shift is inherently driven by Saudi Arabia's opprobrium view of Iran's military capabilities. The crown prince wants to create hegemony in the region through its strong and thriving economy as Iran is under international sanctions. This research shows that the geo-economic hegemony in Saudi-Iran relationshipis clearly visible after the rise of Muhammad Bin Salman and his vision 2030 is a clear manifestation of it. Beside confrontation there also lies opportunities between them where they can cooperate as both are largest producer of oil in the region. The joint venture in oil sector can lift the whole region and ummah.




How to Cite

Shah Fahad Ikram, Dr. Abdul Shakoor, Dr. Sajjad Ali Khan, & Dr. Ahmad Ali. (2021). The War Of Geo-Economic Hegemony In Saudi-Iran Relations After The Rise Of Muhammad Bin Salman. Elementary Education Online, 20(1), 8237–8249. Retrieved from


