Factors influencing online impulse buying of grocery products
: Online Impulse Buying, Online Grocery, Consumer Behaviour, Market research, Consumer Insights.Abstract
This research paper aims at understanding the online impulse buying behaviour of consumers with specificreference to grocery products. The objective was to understand and investigate factors that lead to purchase of groceryproducts online with the sole objective of unearthing the unplanned purchase phenomenon. A two phased marketresearch study was carried out in the suburbs of Mumbai to understand what influences consumers to buy groceries onimpulse online. A quantitative research where 1000 consumers were sent a link to the online survey for online groceryshopping. About 150 consumers responded back saying they do not shop for groceries online. 265 completed theexercise of which 15 rejected as shopped less frequently than once in 2 months. The survey was sent randomly toconsumers without any prefixed quota. A qualitative research in form of mini group discussions was carried out to gaininsights into the buying behaviour. Some of the main reasons that emerged during the group discussions and confirmed
during the quantitative exercise were around offers – discounts / offers such as 1+1, availability of exotic / premiumproducts on offer, combo offers, notifications of price drop as also tempting packaging or pictures of dishes